
Website speed test

Find out how fast your website loads. Too slow? Perhaps you need to optimize the page or move to a faster server.


Domain name Size Load Time Average Speed per KB

1www.archikidz.blogspot.com95.67 KB1.14 seconds0.01 seconds

Everyone knows how annoying it can be having to deal with websites that take forever to load. There are recent researches, in fact, confirming that 75% of the Internet users do not return to sites that take longer than four seconds to load.

In order to check the load time of your site you can use an online tool called “Website Speed Test“�. It allows you to enter up to 10 websites, and the results display the size of the website, the total loading time and the average speed per KB.

By the way I would suggest keeping your load time below 2 seconds. For my blog, i got 1.14, dat means below 2 seconds, so i am satisfied with the result.. Try it for your blog.Check it out.


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