Architects are sexiest
Architects are sexiest
What’s wrong with being sexy?
Architects have been voted the sexiest male professionals in a survey of women’s ideal partners.
The survey, conducted by the introduction agency Drawing Down the Moon, found that women favoured architects “due to the esteem associated with the profession”.
Architects are seen as being “balanced and rounded individuals who combine a creative approach with a caring, thoughtful disposition”, the survey found. It concluded: “Their ability to cope with pressure of work in a relaxed manner was also deemed to be a significant plus.”
Male architects beat stockbrokers, doctors, film directors and teachers on the top spot.
However female members of the profession fared less well and did not feature in the top 10 out of male preferences.
RIBA president David Rock commented that architects were probably unaware of their animal magnetism: “Architects were probably the only group on the list whose self-image is lower than their public image”, he said, but added: “Mind you, you have to question the veracity of any list that includes drama teachers”.
RIBA Architecture Gallery director Alicia Pivaro, who is married to architect Paul Monaghan, said she thaugt male architects were highly attractive: “Being married to the architecture’s Mr Sexy, I would have to agree.”
But she was surprised at the failiure of women architects to appear on the list. “All the ones I know are very sexy”, she said.
Men instead voted PR executives the sexiest profession for females, followed by actresses and journalists.
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btul ke nie??????
bkan fashion dsgnr ke yg trseksi?????
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