

Sedang syok baca majalah PC aku terbaca artikel pasal software edit picture yg simple and menarik... Bleh edit picture dengan pelbagai effect, so aku try buat and terciptalah pic seperti kat bawah.. Pelbagai pilihan effect yg patut korang cuba bg penggemar yg suka edit picture ..Just go to thie site:

Presentation Crits

Here are some of the best comments by lecturers and professors I’ve come across, most of these quotes are from online blogs reading (archinet), some are from words of mouth while others are first hand experience, read also the second part of presentation crits 02, here goes:

  • “Why are you here? Don’t come back next semester.”
  • “Here’s a quarter. go call your mom and tell her you’re not going to be an architect.”
  • Your design is like masturbation, you want to know why? That is because only you yourself enjoyed and like it.
  • What is that boxy thing (model)? A coffin?
  • Your design sucks!
  • Your design is very tasteful… … for the tasteless.
  • “Is this a … structural… glob of glue?”
  • “When I went to school, at a different school than this one, there were students who would present projects like this one.
    And they would fail.”
  • “Your project looks like something that’s been through a trash compactor”
  • “This space that you’ve designed is the type place where beggars and dogs go to die”
  • “Are you in interior design?”
  • “Why are you studying architecture if you’re producing things like that?”
  • “Hey, everyone, gather round this project, come in close…because this is a great example for everyone of exactly what NOT to do..”
  • “This drawing isn’t worth the paper it is printed on.”
  • “This (model) is great…..just don’t let your dog play with it next time.”
  • “The program you invented was meant solely for your architectural masturbation……”
  • If you build this and after 10000 years the aliens see it, they would understand why humans extinguish
  • “Have you ever considered a career in accounting?”
  • “oh, so it’s like some kind of orgy pit!”
  • “So your parents are pay $20000 a year for this.”
  • “Your theory is bullshit. You don’t need that”
  • Prof pointing to part of a model, “Did you chew this?”


24 /12/ 2008

pagi nie terpaksa gak p joging,kena paksa ngan adk aku, beria2 sgt nak p joging...aku da la smlm pukul 4 lebih bawu tido...penat gler...ngantuk gler... p lari r jugak, badan ni pun da byk lemak.... elok la joging sikit2..hehehhe.... Pastu men skipping,,, sempat r buat 200 kali lompatan tadi, sumer longgar urat2 aku..huhuhu... n xbleh tggal, bola mesti gak aku kena sepak tiap2 ari...heheheh... xbleh idup kalo x sepak bola satu ari...

Reunion Futsal 18/12/2008

Reunion Futsal 18/12/2008
Penganjur: Cikgu Yasmin
Tempat: Pusat Futsal Pasir Puteh

hmm.. da lama xjumpa member2 lama2, ari ni dapat gak kumpul jumpa sambil men futsal, nasib baek ada cikgu yasmin yang usaha kumpulkan kitorang sumer, petang tadi best gler dapat main futsal, ni geng batch spm 07 vs spm 06 (batch aku).. batch aku yg duduk tu... batch 07 pakai jersi itam...

sekian lama xmain bola bersama, kalo dulu selalu training tiap2 petg ngan cikgu yasmin kat padang sekolah smkdi... da hampir 2 tahun tgalkan zaman sekolah, so kitorg pun da ramai yg berisi ckit.. kalo dulu sume bdn fit n athlete, p skrg da xlarat da nak lari laju2, cepat, arap2 la thn2 akn dtg dapat kumpul men futsal cam ni lagi, t lama2 xmain, lg la semput...arap2 xlost contact ngan bdk2 nie... thanks to cikgu yasmin ( cikgu bola paling best)

Jalan2 Rantau Panjang 19/12/2008 & 23/12/2008

Jalan2 Rantau Panjang 19/12/2008 & 24/12/2008


Cuti2 nie, tempat yang aku ngan family aku plg nak g ialah kat Rantau Panjang,,, ayah aku bwau abis memeriksa kertas spm, so sume da beres, kitorg p la kuar jalan2 rantau panjang,,, Aku drive p sana, ayah, mak,adk n abg aku pun ikut skali... kitorg bertolak lebih kurang 10 pagi r... kat sana byk gak r kitorng shopping, xlepas r kalo g sana aku ngan abg aku cnfirm beli jersey bola.. ari tu aku dapat sehelai jersi juventus jalur melintang warna putih n sehelai seluar jeans RM 70 gak r...abg aku plak beli 2 helai t- shirt yg mcam jersi, satu yang Man United punyer, mak aku n adk aku lak p borong bju gak, pastu kain tudg rm5 sehelai, bunga lilin, buah2an, makanan ringan n mcm2 ag r...kalo2 nak itung, kitorg satu family p sana shopping abis dalam RM 4 - 5 ratus gak r kot... Ye la, da lama x p sana, byk r benda kitorg wat balik,,,lepas solat jumaat, kitorg sambung ag shopping samapai la nak pukul 5.30 ptg bwu nak balik..huhuhu..p aku still xpuas ati, rasa cam byk jek benda nak beli agi barang...


Ari ni plak nak p amik ayah aku bwu blik dr KL anta markah exam BM spm... flight dia pkul 7 lebh malam, so mgkin sampai dalm 8 - 9 malam....sebelum p airport, aku ngan adk bradik n sorg anak sepupu skali lg p Rantau Panjang... Pagi tu aku ada p amik rebat kenderaan motor aku, dapat la lagi, aku p borong r bju yang aku suka kat Rantau Panjang tue, yang aku da tinjau2 sebelum ni yg aku berkenan, aku beli pada ri ni... dalam 4 helai baju aku beli..dan sehelai lagi jaket gak r jaket tu,,da lama aku ngidam jaket tue, konon nak tiru ala2 farid kamil dalam citer 'I'm not single' tu, mamat tu byk pakai jaket dlam citer tu, so lgpun aku xbyk jaket, so aku beli r...harga dia rm 55, p aku tawar dapat r rm50...List baju yang aku beli ri ni:

1.Jersi Malaysia Lengan Panjang saiz M- RM 30
2.T- Shirt Kolar Manchester United saiz M- RM 25
3. Jersi Manchester United xder lengan free size - RM 23
4. Jaket Adidas free size RM 50
5. Boxer x 2 helai RM 10

Total = RM 138

Fuhh...Abis duit aku sume aku borong, nasib baik duit da abis, x dapat r aku nak beli sepasang selipar kat situ, kalo x aku nak beli ag sepasang selipar, kasut n jugak seluar pendek... p lain kali r, bajet da xder..hehhehe...lain kali bleh datang ag...even jauh gak, p aku suka p shopping situ,,,heheh...even brg2 siam, murah, tpi selesa gak ak pakai... dan nak jadi cter, sampai umah, aku sorok sume bju2 yg aku beli tu kecuali jaket, sebb mak aku da marah awl2 ag supaya aku xbeli bju, bju aku da berlambak dalam almari tu dia cakap..hehhehe... p da memg hobi aku beli baju2 bru, tiap2 sem beli bju baru..hehhehe...xpe la, t mak aku tahu, dia xmarah sgt tue..hahhha...

tiap kali bukak sem mesti r kena ada bju baru, bwu r semgt nak p kelas, g studio..hhhehehe...xder lar asyik pakai bju sama jek..hehhe... Sampai sini jek citer aku, citer aku tok ri nie... sekian

Kelantan Juara Piala Emas Raja2 Melayu

20 December 2008

Kelantan muncul juara bola sepak Piala Emas Raja2 Melayu dengan menewaskan Pulau Pinang 4 - o..Aku berkesempatan menonton bola kat stadium Sultan Muhammad Ke- IV semalam, perlawanan memg jelas dikuasai oleh team kelantan,, nampaknyer kurang saingan drpd team Pulau Pinang..

2 gol pada separuh masa pertama dan 2 gol pada separuh masa kedua.. Malam tue player kelantan berjersi no 11, Abdul Latif jd "man of the match" dgn jaringan 2 gol.. Memang mamat nie aku tgk paling terer men malam tue, dia yg byk buat peluang tok buat gol...mgkin mamat nie bleh diserap dalam skuad liga super team kelantan tahun depan..hehhe

Dan bagi aku, gol keempat kelantan adalah gol paling best malam tue, hasil sepakan percuma dr luar kotak sebelah kanan pdg, ditanduk salah seorang player kelantan dan terkena tiang gol, pastu si latif tue sambut dengan menanduk masuk bola yang melantun kena tiang tue n then goal...

Berbaloi la aku p tgk match malam tue sebab kelate menang, adk pmpuan aku pun ada ikt sekali gak, first time dia masuk stadium tue...hehehe..


hero "kanak- kanak" :)
nenek sebelah mak aku
nenek sebelah ayah aku

gelagat anak2 sepupu aku
Abah n Umie
Mitak maaf di pagi rayer ngan nenek aku..

My new rider...Yamaha 135 LC

Kat atas umah agi moto nie..blom rasmi agi..hehehhe.. bwu 3 hari beli, letak kat garaj kete, da kena kopek ngan mat gian kot...xpun pencuri ntah dari mana,,, abis rosak dia punyer switch..xpasal2 kena tukar balik, abis rm100 melayang agi...huhuhuhu...

so aku bawak la naik moto nie kat blakang atas umah aku, nasib bek ri tu si pencuri tu xberjaya nak kebas, kalo tidak, abis r.... huhuhuhu...

no plat moto nie DBJ 5263..

PAM Career Guidance

PAM Career Guidance

The purpose of this section is to provide general information for students who would like to pursue a career as an architect.
In line with Vision 2020, the building construction industry is one of the many aspects of the economy that can make the government's aspirations come true. Architects can play a major role by contributing quality architecture to our built environment.

Architecture is the art and science of building. The word "architure" was derived from the Latin architectura, which itself came from the Greek architekton which meant "master builder". According to William George in his book World Architecture, architecture may be described as "the art of designing and creating beautiful, durable and useful building... Structure which are built with only stability and strength in addition to usefulness in mind may be described as works of engineering. It is only when the idea of building beautifully in conjunction with strength and utility is introduced that the science of building becomes the art of architecture."


Besides practising in the government or private sector, an Architect may also be engaged by a developer, contractor or teach in a University.

An architect is a person trained and qualified to carry out the following tasks:
  • Planning
  • Building Design
  • Landscape Design
  • Urban Design
  • Interior Design
  • Leading and coordinating the input of others in the building team
  • Liaising with approving authorities and certification
  • Supervision during construction
Beside passing all the examinations and getting the necessary grades to qualify for admittance into an architectural course in a recognised school of architecture, the student ought to have:
  • A love for the arts
  • An appreciation of space and forms
  • An affection for the heritage and tradition
  • A sensitivity in all matters related to the senses

Architecture training is almost available in all countries in the world.
For courses in architecture overseas, kindly refer to the list of recognised schools available at

Course work generally consists of lectures, laboratory work, group discussions, seminars and studio work where students work on the drawing board and computers. Practical training forms an integral part of the course.

For courses conducted at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and the Universiti Teknologi MARA, a candidate must have obtained at least a Grade Two in the SPM examination with 5 credits of which 2 subjects are Bahasa Malaysia and Mathematics. Please refer to prospectus for more details. Posessing good skills in art and technical drawings is an advantage.

For courses conducted at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and the Universiti Malaya (UM) minimum requirement is two principles and two subsidiaries in STPM. A student is required to undergo a matriculation programme conducted by the university before being admitted to the architecture course proper.

Those who have obtained qualifications recognised by LAM and PAM are exempted from the Part I & II examination. The Part 3 Examination is mandatory for every would-be architect.

Upon passing the Part 3 Examination, one may become a member of PAM and register with LAM as an Architect.


Architectural Graduates
from unrecognised programs

Architectural Graduates
from recognised programs

To appear for the Joint LAM-PAM
Part I & II Exemption Examination

(Application form is available from LAM. The examination is held once a year and the closing date is 15 August of every year)

Upon obtaining exemption
Register with LAM as an Architectural Graduate
(Compulsory - Form is available from LAM)

Register with PAM as a Graduate Member
(Compulsory - Form is available from PAM)

Start logging working experience in logbook which can be purchased at PAM (Logging of working experience should be done periodically)

For the purpose of sitting for the Joint LAM-PAM Part 3 Examination, Architectural Graduates must have 2 years working experience which shall commence from the date of registration as a LAM Architectural Graduate. Out of the 2 years working experience, one year must be obtained in Malaysia in an Architect's practice which is registered with LAM.

Candidates must register one year in advance before they are allowed to sit for the Joint LAM-PAM Part 3 Examination in the following year.

(Application form is available from LAM. The examination is held once a year and the closing date is 1 March of every year)

(Date of registration is also 1 March)

Appear for the Joint LAM-PAM Part 3 Examination (Candidates must pass the Oral Examination before they can sit for the Written Examination)
On passing the Joint LAM-PAM Part 3 Examination you would qualify to apply for Corporate Membership of PAM
Once elected as a Corporate Member of PAM, you would be able to register with LAM, which registration will entitle you to practise as an Architect in Malaysia

highest tower race

highest tower race

If you thought that Burj Dubai is the end of the “Arabian Dream”, you are mistaken.

Burj DubaiThe new race in the Arab World (to be particular, the Gulf region) is building the highest towers.

Few years ago, Dubai announced that they are going to spend few “Billions” of Dollars to build the highest tower in the world, Burj Dubai, a 818 meter high building.

The tower is in progress and any visitor to Dubai can notice this landmark from anywhere around Dubai.

But that was just the beginning of the race to highest. More proposals are coming to reality!

Kuwait is planing to beat Dubai by building its own “highest tower” in the world, “Mubarak Tower,” which is going to be a 1001 meter high. So once this tower is built (God knows how many years) it is going to be the highest tower in the world and is going to washout “Burj Dubai” record.

Of course Dubai doesn’t like to be a looser, so they are planing to challenge their own record (Burj Dubai) as well Kuwait’s Tower and spend more billions of dollars to take back the for Dubai. New proposals are in action and one of them is to build another tower, “Al Burj.” Rumors are saying that it will be as high as 1050-1200 meter. So, Dubai wins again, but between Kuwait and Dubai new plans, Bahrain have a proposal to build something in between, “Murjan Tower,” 1022 meter high, and the race goes on…

But wait, this is not the end of the “highest race”. Saudi Arabia and it’s multi billionaire Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal is going to join the race through his version of the “highest building”. But this one is really impressive.

Mark this…

Mile High Tower” is the name of the tower which Al-Waleed is intending to build. As the name implies, it is going to be a “MILE HIGH“, that is 1600 meter high (which is twice the hight of the yet to be highest tower, Burj Dubai). I say impressive because this number (1600m) is really crazy and will be crazy to compete.

(Click picture to enlarge)
highest building

Mile High“, the tallest in the world, will be built in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and no doubt it will beat all the records and hopefully stop the race. For ever! (I wish)

Will Dubai (and others) take a break and spend some of these billions in the development or building something other than towers?

If we have so many “freaks” for height, maybe they should think in spending these billions (or at least some) in building things like the “Space elevator” or something useful other than buildings?!

Arkitek cinta



From Dynamic Architecture Web Site:


Visionary architect Dr. David Fisher is the creator of the revolutionary Dynamic Tower, the world's first building in motion. The Dynamic Tower heralds a new era of architecture: Buildings in motion will challenge traditional architecture, becoming the symbol of a new philosophy that will change the look of our cities and the concept of living.

The Dynamic Tower offers infinite design possibilities, as each floor rotates independently at different speeds, resulting in a unique and ever evolving shape that introduces a fourth dimension to architecture, Time.

The Dynamic Tower is environmentally friendly, with the ability to generate electricity for itself as well as other buildings nearby making it the first building designed to be self-powered, it achieves this feat with wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor. An 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.

The Dynamic Tower is also the first skyscraper to be built entirely from prefabricated parts that are custom made in a workshop, resulting of fast construction and of substantial cost savings . this approach known as the Fisher Method, also requires far less workers on construction site while each floor of the building can be completed in only seven days, units can also be customized according to the owners needs and styles.

Dr. Fisher states, “Today's life is dynamic, so the space we are living in should be dynamic as well, adjustable to our needs that change continuously, to our concept of design and to our mood, buildings will follow the rhythms of nature, they will change direction and shape from spring to summer, from sunrise to sunset, and adjust themselves to the weather, buildings will be alive.

“From now on, buildings will have four dimensions, the fourth dimension is ‘Time' to become part of architecture,” Dr. Fisher added. “Buildings in motion will shape the sky line of our cities.

By combining motion, green energy and efficient construction, the Dynamic Tower will change architecture as we know it, and will start a new era of Dynamic Living.

It is already in the news: 7DAYS today 26/6/2008
The ‘Dynamic Tower’, a slender, shifting skyscraper of rotating, energy-self-sufficient luxury apartments, was presented in project-form late on Tuesday in New York by Italian architect David Fisher, before it goes up in Dubai.
The 420-metre building features 80 pre-fabricated apartments that spin a full 360 degrees, at voice command, around a central column by means of 79 power-generating wind turbines located between each floor. “This building will have endless different shapes,” Fisher said. As each floor rotates independently from the other, the Dynamic Tower will constantly change its profile, in a new architectural concept that is taking root around the world.The Mirax group plans to build a similar, 70-storey skyscraper in Moscow.“We look forward to build a third one in New York and maybe in other cities,” said Fisher. “These buildings will open our vision all around, to a new life.”He said the skyscraper, which will be completely energy self-sufficient and will cost an estimated $700 million to build, should be up and running in Dubai in 2010.

T- Shirt Architect

Sesaper yang nak buat baju "Arkitek" bleh la tinjau contoh2 t-shirt kat bawah: -

Surah Yaa Siin

Architecture illusion images

Architects are sexiest


Architects are sexiest

What’s wrong with being sexy?

Architects have been voted the sexiest male professionals in a survey of women’s ideal partners.

The survey, conducted by the introduction agency Drawing Down the Moon, found that women favoured architects “due to the esteem associated with the profession”.

Architects are seen as being “balanced and rounded individuals who combine a creative approach with a caring, thoughtful disposition”, the survey found. It concluded: “Their ability to cope with pressure of work in a relaxed manner was also deemed to be a significant plus.”

Male architects beat stockbrokers, doctors, film directors and teachers on the top spot.

However female members of the profession fared less well and did not feature in the top 10 out of male preferences.

RIBA president David Rock commented that architects were probably unaware of their animal magnetism: “Architects were probably the only group on the list whose self-image is lower than their public image”, he said, but added: “Mind you, you have to question the veracity of any list that includes drama teachers”.

RIBA Architecture Gallery director Alicia Pivaro, who is married to architect Paul Monaghan, said she thaugt male architects were highly attractive: “Being married to the architecture’s Mr Sexy, I would have to agree.”

But she was surprised at the failiure of women architects to appear on the list. “All the ones I know are very sexy”, she said.

Men instead voted PR executives the sexiest profession for females, followed by actresses and journalists.

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